The Central Reserve Police Force, initially established as the Crown Representatives Police on July 27, 1939, assumed its current name when the CRPF Act was passed on December 28, 1949, marking 85 years of glorious history. The force has since evolved into a substantial and diverse organization with a Directorate, four Zonal Headquarters, 21 Administrative Sectors, 2 Operational Sectors, 39 Administrative Ranges, 17 Operational Ranges, 43 Group Centres, 22 Training Institutions, 4 Composite Hospitals (with 100-bed facilities), 18 Composite Hospitals (with 50-bed capacities), 6 Field Hospitals, 3 Central Weapon Stores (CWS), 7 Ammunition Workshops (AWS), 201 General Duty Battalions (GD Bns), 6 VIP Security Battalions, 6 Mahila Battalions, 16 Rapid Action Force (RAF) Battalions, 10 CoBRA Battalions, 7 Signal Battalions, 1 Parliament Duty Group (PDG) and 1 Special Duty Group (SDG).
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