केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

कैरियर की संभावनाएं

कैरियर की संभावनाएं

Promotional Avenues

A. Promotional Avenues for Gazetted Officers

After joining service as Asstt.Commandant the following promotional avenues are available to cadre officers:-

Rank Qualifying service for Promotion.
Dy. Commandant. 5 years as Asstt. Commandnat.
Second-In-Command 5 years as Dy.Commandant (with total 10 years Group ‘A’ service).
Commandant 5 years as Second-In-Command (with 15 years Group ‘A’ service)
DIGP 3 years as Commandant (with 20 years Group ‘A’ service)
IGP 3 years as DIG (24 years Group ‘A’ service)

B. Promotional Avenues for Medical Officers

  1. The posts of Senior Medical Officershall be filled up by promotion of Medical Officers with four years regular service in the grade on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness without linkage to vacancies.
  2. The posts of Chief Medical Officers (Ordinary Grade) shall be filled up by promotion of Senior Medical Officers with six years regular service in the grade or ten years of total regular service in the cadre on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness without linkage to vacancies.
  3. Chief Medical Officers (Ordinary Grade) who have rendered not less than four years regular service in the grade shall be eligible to be appointed as Chief Medical Officer (Selection Grade) on the basis of their fitness to hold the said post.
  4. The post of Director (Medical) shall be filled up by promotion from amongst the Chief Medical Officers (Selection Grade) with not less than three years regular service in the grade or seventeen years total regular service in the cadre on the basis of merit with due regard to seniority.


Eligibility length of service for promotion to those appointed directly before commencement of these rules shall count from the date of entry.

C. Promotional Avenues for Non Gazetted Executive Force Personnel

Constable to Head Constable Head Constable to Sub-Inspector Sub-inspector to Inspector
Must have completed minimum 8 years of service as Constable from the date of enlistment. Must have completed minimum five years service in the rank, subject to a total service of 18 years. Must have minimum three years service in the rank
Must have qualified in Junior Cadre Course and Section Commander Course. Must have qualified in W&T course. However, Head Constables who have qualified in Senior Cadre Course are not required to undergo W&T course. Must have qualified in Platoon Commander Course as well as Senior Sub Inspector Cadre Course.
Must not have adverse report in Confidential Card in preceding five years. Must have qualified in Senior Under Officers Cadre course. Must not have adverse report in the ACR in preceding five years.
Must not have major punishment in preceding five years. Must not have adverse report in ACR in preceding five years. Must not have adverse report in ACR in preceding five years.
Service record should generally be good. Must not have had Major punishment in preceding five years.  

Inspector to Asstt Commandant

By promotion of Inspector with minimum service 3 years in that rank in the Force who have successfully completed Senior Subedars Refresher Course CRPF and

From amongst Ex-emergency Commissioned Officer below the age of 50 years who have a minimum service of 2 years as Inspector in the force and have successfully completed the Senior Subedars Refresher Course.

Promotional avenues for Non-Gazetted Tradesmen

Constable (Bandsmen) to HC (Bandsmen)

Must have completed minimum 9 years satisfactory serviceintherank.

HC(Bandsmen) to SI(Bandsmen)

Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank.

Must have qualified in pre-promotional refresher cadre forpromotion from HC(Bandsmen) to SI(Bandsmen).

SI (Bandsmen) to Insp(Bandsmen)

Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank

Must have qualified in pre-promotional refresher cadre for promotion from SI(Band) to Insp(Band).

Constable (Carpenter) to HC(Carpenter)

Must have completed minimum 9 years satisfactory service in the rank.

Constable (Mochi) to HC(Mochi)

Must have completed minimum 9 years satisfactory service in the rank.

Constable (Tailor) to HC(Tailor)

Must have completed minimum 9 years service in the rank.

HC(Tailor) to SI(Tailor)

Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank.

Must have qualified in pre-promotional re-fresher cadre forpromotionfrom HC(Tailor) to SI(Tailor).

Constable (Gardener),(Bugler) and (Painter) to next higher rank.

Since there are no higher posts in these trades of Gardeners, Buglers and Painters they will have to compete in GD side for promotion for which they have to acquire requisite rank qualifications.

Promotion avenues for Non-Gazetted Technical Personnel

Constable (Armourer) to HC(Armourer) HC(Armourer) to SI(Armourer) SI(Armourer) to Insp(Armourer)
Must have completed 4 years satisfactory service as Constable (Armourer) Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank. Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank.
Must have qualified in Armourer upgrading course. Must have qualified in pre promotional Refresher cadre for promotionfrom HC(Armourer) to SI(Armourer) Must have qualified in Pre-promotional Refresher cadre for promotion from SI(Armourer) to Insp(Armourer)
Constable (Fitter) to HC(Fitter) HC(Fitter) to SI(Motor Mechanic) Constable (Driver) to HC(Driver)
Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank. Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank. Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank.
Must have qualified in Technical test. Must have qualified in pre-promotional refresher cadre for promotion from HC(Fitter) to SI(MM) Must have qualified in Technical test.
HC(Driver) to SI(MT) SI(MT/MM) to Insp(MT)
Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank. Must have completed minimum 5 years satisfactory service in the rank.
Must have qualified in pre-promotional Refersher cadre forpromotion from HC(Driver) to SI(MT). Must have qualified in Pre-promotional refresher cadre for promotion from SI(MT/MM) to Insp(MT).

Promotional Avenues for Non Gazetted Signal Personnel

Approved lists are beingdrawn separately for Signal personnel

Must have qualified ROG-I/CUG-I. Must have completed 4 years service as ASI(RO/CRY) or total 10 years service as HC(RO/CRY) and ASI(RO/CRY). ASI(Tech) must have completed 4 years service from the date of entry in Govt service/remustering. Must have completed minimum 3 years service in the rank.
Must have completed minimum 3 years service in the rank. ASI(Tech) must have qualified RM-Grade-I course. Must have qualified SSICC
Must have no adverse report in Confidential Card in preceding 4 years Must not have adverse in the ACR in the preceding 4 years for (For ASI only). Must not have adverse report in the ACR in the preceding 3 years
Must not have major punishment in preceding 4 years. Must have qualified ASICC in technical category. Must not have had major punishment in preceding 3 years.
Service record should be generally good. Must not have had major punishment in preceding 4 years.  
Must have qualified SUOCC(RO/CRY)    

Inspector (RO/CRY/TECH) to Asstt.Commandant

Conditions/qualifications as applicable to GD personnel are also applicable for Signal personnel as a combined gradation list is being maintained.

D. Promotional Avenues for Ministerial, Stenographic and Official Language Cadre

Head Constable (Ministerial) to Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Ministerial)

HCs(Min) having not less than 05 years of service and HCs(M) with 03 years service and qualified departmental examination are considered for promotion to the post of ASI(M), subject to availability of vacancies, at 75% & 25% ratio respectively.

Asstt.Sub-Inspector(Ministerial) to Sub-Inspector (Ministerial)

ASI(M) Who have rendered not less than 6 years of regular service in the grade and those completed not less than 05 years regular service and qualified departmental examination are considered for promotion to the post of SI(M), subject to availability of vacancies. The ratio for promotion is 70% & 25% respectively. 5% by transfer from amongst SI(Steno) in CRPF who qualify a departmental examination failing which by departmental examination and failing both by promotion.

Sub-Inspector(Ministerial) to Inspector (Ministerial)

Sub-Inspector (Ministerial) with not less than 5 years of service are considered for promotion to the post of Insp(M), subject to availability of vacancies.

Inspector (Ministerial) to Subedar Major(Ministerial)

Inspector (M) with alteast 2 years of service are considered for promotion to the post of Subedar Major(Ministerial) subject to availability of vacancies.

Subedar Major(Ministerial) to Assistant Commandant(Ministerial)

Subedar Major(Min) who have rendered not less than 02 years regular service failing which 03 years combined regular service in the grades of Subedar Major(Min) & Inspector(Min) are considered for promotion to the post of AC(Min), subject to availability of vacancies.

Adm. Officer to Joint Asstt. Director.

Adm Officer with atleast 2 years of service are considered for promotion to the rank of Joint Asstt. Director subject to availability of vacancies.

Joint Assistant Director to Asstt.Director (Accounts)

Joint Assistant Director(Accounts)/Audit Officer with 7 years regular service in the grade failing which 8 years combined regular service in the grade of Joint Assistant Director(Accounts)/Audit Officer and Section Officer/Administrative Officer are considered for promotion to the post of Asstt. Director(Accts), subject to availability of vacancy.

Asstt. Sub Inspector(Steno) to Sub Inspector(Steno)

ASI(Steno) with not less than 06 years of service in the grade are considered for promotion to the post of SI(Steno),, subject to availability of vacancies.

Sub Inspector(Steno) to Inspector(Steno)

Sub Inspector(Steno) with not less than 05 years of service in the grade are considered for promotion to the post of Insp(Steno), , subject to availability of vacancies.

Inspector(Steno) to Subedar Major(Steno)

Inspector(Steno) with not less than 02 years of service in the grade are considered for promotion to the post of SM(Steno), subject to availability of vacancies.

Subedar Major(Steno) to Assistant Commandant(Private Secretary)

SM(Steno) with not less than 02 years regular service in the grade failing which 03 years combined regular service in the grades of Subedar Major(Steno) & Inspector(Steno) are considered for promotion to the post of AC(PS), subject to availability of vacancies.

Inspector(Hindi Translator) to Subedar Major(Hindi Translator)

Inspector(HT) with not less than 02 years of service in the grade are considered for promotion to the post of SM(HT), subject to availability of vacancies.

Subedar Major(Hindi Translator) to Assistant Director(Official Language)

Subedar Major(Hindi Translator) who have rendered not less than 02 years regular service failing which 03 years combined regular service in the grades of Subedar Major(HT) & Inspector(HT) are considered for promotion to the post of AD(OL), subject to availability of vacancy.

Constable/Daftry to Head Constable(Gestetner Operator)

Constable/Daftry having at least 3 years of service are considered for promotion to the post of Head Constable (Gestetner Operator) subject to availability of vacancy.

Constable(Library Attendant) to Head Constable (Library Clerk)

Constable(Library Attendant) having 5 years regular service are considered for promotion to the post of Head Constable(Library Clerk) subject to availability of vacancy.

Head Constable(Library Clerk) to Sub-Inspector(Library & Information Assistant)

Head Constable(Library Clerk) having 10 years regular service are considered for promotion to the post of Sub-Inspector(Library & Information Assistant) subject to availability of vacancy.

Sub-Inspector(Library & Information Assistant) to Inspector(Sr. Library & Information Assistant)

Sub-Inspector(Library & Information Assistant) having 05 years regular service are considered for promotion to the post of Inspector(Sr. Library & Information Assistant) subject to availability of vacancy.

E. Promotional Avenues for Group 'B',‘C’ & ‘D’ Hosp Staff

Sub-Inspector (Staff Nurse to Inspector (Ward Sister/Master)

Sub-Inspector (Staff Nurse) or Non-Combatised staff nurse, who have rendered not less than 7 years regular service in their respective grade(s) in the Central Reserve Police Force.

Inspector (Ward Sister/Master) to Subedar Major (Assistant Matron/Sister)

Inspector (Ward Sister/Master) or non combatised Ward Sisters with at least 2 years regular service in their respective grade(s) in CRPF.

ASI(Pharmacist) to S.I (Pharmacist)

ASI (Pharmacist) or Non combatised pharmacists who have rendered 5 years regular service in their respective grade(s) in the CRPF.

SI(Pharmacist) to Inspector (Pharmacist)

SI(Pharmacist) or Non combatised Pharmacist who have rendered minimum 7 years regular service in their grade(s) in CRPF. There is no post of Insp(Pharmacist) exists/sanctioned.

Ward Boy/Girl to Constable (Nursing Asstt./Ayah/Dresser)

Ward Boy/Ward Girl combatised or non combatised, who have rendered not less than 3 years regular service in their grade(s) in the CRPF

Head Constable (Laboratory Assistant) to ASI(Laboratory Tech.)

Head Constable (Laboratory Assistant) who have rendered not less than8 year’s regular service in their respective grade(s) in the CRPF

Head Constable (X-Ray Assistant) to ASI((Radiographer)

Head Constable (X-Ray assistant) who have rendered not less than 8 year’s regular service in their respective grade(s) in the CRPF.

Constable (Daftry) having 6 years of service and having proficiency in operating and maintaining of Gestetner Machines are promoted to the post of Head Constable(Gestetner Operator) subject to availability of vacancy.

Followers/Peon with 2 years service are promoted to the rank ofCt(Daftry) subject to availability of vacancies.

25%of the post of Peons are filled up by transfer of Follower (Farrash/Safai Karmachari) having 5 years of service.

HC(Asstt. Operation Room)/HC(Lab. Assistant).

Constable (Nursing Assistant) (both combatised/non-combatised) rendered not less than 8 years of regular service are eligible for promotion.

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