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Family Accommodation Rules

The Central Reserve Police Force Family Accommodation Rules, 2008

Guidelines for allotment and occupation of family quarters in Central Reserve Police Force.

1. Preamble

Broad outlines on the subject matter were issued vide this Directorate General letter No. A.II-2/75-Adm.3(Vol.3) dated 24th April 1981 and subsequent instructions from time to time. The position and condition about availability and occupation of family quarters has changed considerably since 1981. Keeping this in view and large expansion of Force and to eliminate certain anomalies being experienced, following guidelines are issued on allotment and occupation of family quarters in CRPF with immediate effect.

Segregation of administrative functions of allotment, cancellation of allotment etc., of family accommodation from the judicial functions of Estate Officers of CRPF Static institutions and constitution of a separate House Management Committee for every CRPF Campus to decide the cases of allotment, occupation, retention, extension, cancellation of allotment etc., of quarters to various categories of personnel has been examined in depth with reference to "Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971" and other allied instructions and in consultation with Law Branch of this Directorate General.

At present, Estate Officers of CRPF Static institutions and GCs are appointed through a notification issued by MHA under the provision of section 3 of "The Public Premises (Eviction of unauthorized occupants) Act, 1971". The Estate Officer has the powers of civil court under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in respect of following matters :-

A.Summoning and enforcing attendance of any person and examining him on oath;

B.Requiring the discovery and production of documents;

C.Any other matter which may be prescribed.

The objective of appointment of Estate Officer is for the purpose of eviction, recovery of rent, assessment of damages on account of use and occupation etc. However, allotment and retention of family quarters in GC campuses and other locations are administrative functions and are subject to scrutiny by Senior Officers.

2. Short Title And Commencement

  1. 1.In order to streamline the system of allotment of family quarters and its occupation thereof and keeping in view the existing GOI guidelines and dePARTmental instructions issued from time to time, the following Rules are hereby framed;
  2. 2.These rules may be called 'The Central Reserve Police Force Family Accommodation Rules, 2008'.
  3. 3.These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.

3. Housing Management Committee (Hmc)

(1) Constitution and composition of HMC-

To ensure transparency and prevent any malpractices, there shall be a committee styled as "The Housing Management Committee" consisting of the various members as mentioned below. General conditions for constitution of committee will be as under :-

1.A Housing Allotment Committee for each location shall be constituted by the DIG with the approval of its IG.

2.The DIG of Group Centre shall be the President of the committee, and the next senior most officer at the Station will be the Vice President of the committee. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over the committee meeting.

3.The Gazetted officer in charge of the building branch of the CRPF locations shall be the Member-Secretary of the committee.

4.A Gazetted Officer (Exe.), a Medical Officer, a Subordinate Officer, a Ministerial Staff, an other rank and an Enrolled Follower each will be members of the committee.

5.The RGS of the Signal detachment shall also be a member of the committee.

6.The Committee will have representation from all the Offices present at the Station in one rank or other.

7.The committee may co-opt any other personnel as members for a PARTicular meeting only. The persons whose cases pertaining to accommodation are under consideration of the committee shall not attend that PARTicular meeting.

8.The period of the committee will be for six months. After every six months, the members of the committee will be rotated as per guidelines. Fortnightly HMC meetings may be conducted for speedy allotment, extension, retention, change, cancellation and vacation etc., of the quarters to various categories of personnel as per instructions. The quorum for the meeting of the committee shall be 3/4th of the total members other than co-opted.

9.The decisions of the Committee shall be by majority opinion of the members other than co-opted. The proceedings and decisions of the Committee meeting shall be jointly signed by the President, the Vice President and the Member-Secretary and circulated to all Static offices situated at the Station.

(2) The DIG Group Centre of the location shall frame suitable detailed Station Allotment Rules taking into account all the requirements at the location. He shall apportion the available quarters among the Static Offices, Bns, attached Bns and local Units equitably in ratio of their sanctioned strength. This will have to be approved by the Static location's IG. The local IG and DIG of the Unit may exercise their powers to allot accommodation for any specific purpose not covered in these rules but essential for efficient functioning of the Campus.

(3) The Housing Management Committee will discharge its function according to the approved rules on the subject and its decision will be subject to approval of the DIG. All the matters pertaining to allotment & cancellation of quarters, recovery of licence fee, imposition of market rent and representation of each individual about accommodation etc., will be considered by the committee depending on the nature and circumstances of each case.

(4) On the basis of the decision taken by the committee, the Estate Officer shall act and proceed further under "The Public Premises (Eviction of unauthorized occupants) Act, 1971".

(5) Letter of allotment, cancellation, recovery of licence fee & market rent etc., on the direction of HMC is to be issued by the Estate Officer.

4. Authorization

i.The authorization of residential accommodation as approved by Govt. is placed at Appendix-A. The allotments should conform to it.

ii.Guidelines for allotment of accommodation to Signal and Training Staff have been shown in appendix-B.

iii.Family quarters will be allotted from the overall waiting list so that every needy person of the force can avail the facility of CRPF family accommodation at any GC / Location

iv.Family quarter will be allotted for a period of 3 years or for the period of the stay of allottee in the PARTicular station whichever is earlier. For this purpose, a waiting list of such personnel who are desirous to keep their families shall be maintained and allotment of the quarter will be done strictly according to the priority in waiting list. The HMC may in very selective cases recommend an out of turn allotment. Such cases should be extremely rare.

v.CMOs/SMOs may be allotted higher type of quarters (i.e Type-V and VI) subject to availability and no quarters should be kept vacant.

vi.Entitlement in respect of Rank and File of combatized and non-combatized Min. Staff will be according to their corresponding ranks/status.

vii.Those who desire to occupy a lower type of accommodation than their normal entitlement may do so, if otherwise in order and permitted by the HMC. But the liability of paying license fee, wherever, applicable, will be according to the rules and no reduction thereof will be permissible.

viii.Keeping in view educational prospects of the wards of force personnel and other peculiar family problems being faced by them, minimum period of allotment of CRPF quarter will be 03 years extendable upto 05 years by the GCOs 07 years by the Sector IsG and beyond it by DG in special circumstances.

ix.Personnel posted to J&K/NE Region / LWE areas are allowed to retain the family quarters till their actual posting in these areas.

x.All GCOs/Estate officers will initiate the proceedings under Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act 1971 only after obtaining confirmation from Sector IG that no such application is pending for decision

5. Conditions And General Rules

1.All allotments made and the waiting list that should be drawn up after every allotment meeting shall be put up on the notice boards, websites etc., in the offices. This will bring about required transparency in the system.

2.The Gazetted Officer in charge of the building branch of the concerned Static office shall maintain waiting lists on a day-to-day basis in running registers in battalion office and rank wise separately. The allotment of quarters shall be on the basis of the seniority of applications received by the I/C of the building branch of the concerned Static office. In case there is more than one application received on the same date, the seniority of applicants shall be on the basis of inter-se-seniority (that is, the date of joining in the respective office).

3.For GOs normally the criteria would be the date of reporting at a station, but if they all reach at one and the same time, then inter-se-seniority of which the married officer will get the preference.

4.Five type-II and five type-I Special quarters will be kept reserve for allotment on emergent/compassionate grounds according to the merits to be recommended/decided by HMC.

5.Quarters earmarked for attached Bns but lying vacant may be utilized by the Static offices/resting Bn personnel. In such cases the allotment shall be with the condition that in case application of a person belongs to attached unit, the former shall be liable to vacate the quarter on one month's notice. Before issuing notices to such personnel, formal approval and recommendations of HMC should be obtained.

6.On the direction of HMC, The Estate Officer may allot vacant quarters to the staff of Dte/IGP/DIG Office or personnel belonging to the attached Bns of other GCs where construction of family quarter are yet to be started/completed.

7.The Sector IGP would be competent to declare any building not in use as Officers/SOs messes(annexe) for providing accommodation to single GOs & SOs, if sufficient single officers accommodation is not available in the Officers' Mess or SOs' Mess, as the case may be and charge assessed license fee for the portion or 10% of one's emoluments whichever is less according to Standing order No. 6/77 read with SO 11/2001. No license fee will however be recovered from personnel entitled to rent free accommodation.

8.No member of the Force shall bring family without prior permission of the Station HOO and his own HOO. In case the allottee's family does not occupy the quarter within one month from the date of the allotment, the allotment shall stand cancelled and for the next such allotment he shall be relegated by 3 months. However, in the event of circumstances beyond his control, his case will be decided on merits by the HMC.

9.The meaning of 'Family' shall be as per the provisions contained in para 7.17.3 of the GC & Bn Officers Manual. As such only the allottee and their family members can reside in the family quarters. However, in exceptional cases, concerned HOO may permit any other dependent relative or other person to reside with allottee in CRPF quarters. Widows of Force personnel shall be treated separately and on permission of HOO, her relatives can be allowed to stay in the family quarters.

10.An officer to whom a residence has been allotted shall maintain the residence and premises in a clean and hygienic condition and shall be responsible for any damage beyond the fair wear and tear caused thereto and to fixtures or pieces of furniture, if any, provided therein by the Govt.

11.On the direction of HMC, the Estate Officer may cancel the allotment of family quarter if the conduct of the allottee of any of his family member is found un-becoming. Similarly, based on direction of HMC, the Estate Officer may cancel the allotment at any time in the interests of discipline. All cases of indiscipline/misconduct and breach of allotment rules either, on the PART of the allottee, or his family members will be dealt with by the HOO of the parent unit if present at location otherwise by the Station HOO irrespective of the unit to which the defaulter is posted and brought before HMC if cancellation of quarter is proposed. The cancellation of quarters on account of indiscipline etc., by HMC will be subject to approval by DIG.

12.On the direction of HMC, the Estate Officer can declare an individual who commits breach of rules and conditions to be ineligible for allotment of residential accommodation for a period not less than 6 months but not exceeding one year.

13.No person will be allotted a quarter within a period of three years from the date of vacation of the quarter earlier allotted to him. This condition or period will, however, be relaxable if quarters are available and no one is awaiting his turn on the waiting list.

14.In the event of influx of duty/resting Bn in a Static location the duration of allotment of quarters may be modified by special order to be issued by the DIGP. On the issuance of such orders the Estate Officer will immediately stop further allotment of quarters from the waiting list and issue vacation notices to GOs, SOs and other ranks in the order of priority of occupation of quarter at that PARTicular station, with a view to provide a due share to the duty/resting Bn.

15.After the expiry of the prescribed period, the allottee shall be required to vacate the quarter subject to exemption laid down below unless decided otherwise by the HMC for reasons to be recorded in writing. (i) Gorkhas (With home at their native place) - 1 year

(ii) Gorkhas (Without home at their native place) - 2 year

(iii) Family members suffering : Till cured and recommended by the Medical Officer that the patient is capable of undertaking journey to his from chronic diseases home town without any risk. (iv) Family members required to : Till cured and recommended by the Medical Officer that the patient is capable of undertaking journey to hisbe operated upon or recently home town without any risk. operated. (v) Delivery Cases : May be given extension if the expected date of delivery is less than three months on the date of completion of the normal prescribed period till the new born baby has attained the age of 3 months. (vi) Education of the children : Till the closing of the then current academic session.

16.The personnel allowed to stay in the hired accommodation outside the lines will not be entitled to the amenities provided to the personnel staying in the campus. However, they will be paid normal house rent allowance as per the existing rules/instructions on the subject and compensation in lieu of rent free accommodation to the extent of percentage fixed by the Govt.

17.The residence allotted to an employee may be retained on specific direction of HMC on the happening of any of the events mentioned below for the period specified against each provided that the residence is required for the bonafide use of the officer or members of his family.

(i) Transfer Two Months.
(ii) Resignation/dismissal/ removal/termination One month on payment of normal License fee.
(iii) Desertion May be dealt with by the Comdt./HOO on merit.
(iv) Death of the allottee (a)12 months on payment of normal license fee.
 (b) In case any of the children of the deceased are studying in school in the station and the family has to stay back to complete examination beyond the period mentioned in iv(a) the quarter may further be allowed to be retained by the family till the end of the then current academic session.
(v) Retirement/ invalidation 2 months on payment of normal license fee & further 2 months on payment of twice the normal license fee without submitting medical certificate or certificate from Educational authorities. Further retention of two Months on payment of four Times the normal license fee and subsequent two months on payment of six times the normal license fee shall also be permissible on medical/Educational grounds.
(vi) Leave preparatory to retirement/terminal ment of unavailed portion of EL on superannuation/retirement For the full period of earned leave subject to maximum of 4 leave/period of encash- months inclusive of the period permissible in case of retirement on payment of normal license fee.
(vii) On proceeding on foreign service inIndia(Deputation) 2 months

18.In special circumstances the period prescribed above vide sub item (16) & (18) may be further relaxed with the prior approval of DIGP. This concession should be deemed to be an extra ordinary one & may rarely if ever be exercised.

19.Family quarters may not be allotted to Officers and Staff not in service. The family quarters available in a Static location are basically meant to cater to the need of serving Officers/Staff of the CRPF offices, its attached Bns and local units.

20.Family quarter should be allotted to a person only when he is keeping his family or desires to do so. The condition of para-4 (Appendix-A) shall be relaxed in respect of Ministerial and Hospital staff (Combatized and non-combatized) to the extent of their entitled percentage.

21.Minimum period of allotment to entitled category will be 3 years (three academic sessions).

22.The Senior Medical Officer, the lady doctor and the Nursing Staff will not be required to follow the term of 3 years and will be provided married accommodation during their entire stay in the GC/Station. However, the un-married Nursing Staff will be housed in the Nursing Hostel where-ever constructed.

23.The families of personnel who are posted in GC/resting Bn and have been transferred to attached Bn of the respective GC & vice versa may be allotted/permitted to retain quarter by exchanging the quota of their previous office with the quota of the present office, depending on the merit of the case. Such permission be granted only to the maximum extent of 5 years.

24.(i) If the family of an individual who is in occupation of a quarter remains away for a short period say not more than one month it will not amount to his not keeping the family.

(ii) As a policy, we should not encourage single men living in family lines and such loners be accommodated in the single-men-barrack accommodation.

(iii) Sharing of quarter is strictly prohibited in the family lines, but on application and direction of HMC after due scrutiny, the Estate Officer may allow this to families in very rare cases where good grounds exist to do so, mainly owing to paucity of accommodation.

(iv) An officer shall be considered to be in occupation of residence when he proceeds on leave, course or temporary duty for short duration unless the competent authority otherwise directs. Normally the allottee shall be considered to be in occupation of residence during the period of his posting in that PARTicular station unless the allotment is changed or suspended by the competent authority due to other factors to be recorded in writing.

25.Sanction for retention of accommodation at the last place of posting by Officers and non-gazetted combatized personnel upon their posting to J&K and NE Region conveyed vide MHA OM No. F-23014/14/96-Adm-III/BSF/PF-I dated 18.2.2002 (issued vide this Directorate General letter No. A.II-2/03-Adm-I(Vol-8) dated 5.3.02) shall be strictly adhered to. However, one of the conditions laid down for such retention in the said OM is that all cases for retaining of the house will be subject to specific permission of the DG. On administrative grounds, the power of DG for grating such specific permission to retain the house at the last place of posting on transfer of the personnel to J&K and NE Region is delegated to the ADG NZ, EZ and all Sector IsG.

26.Allotment of quarters from the Bn quota will be made by the HMC on the recommendation of the concerned Unit Commandant. A waiting list for the Bn quota will be kept in the Static Office as well as in the concerned Bn.

27.In case any quarter of the quota earmarked to a PARTicular Bn is lying vacant, the same may be allotted by the Estate Officer to the other personnel as per the directions of HMC. But in case, there is a request/demand from the personnel of said attached Bn, Estate Officer will have to be given quarter against his Bn quota on the directions of HMC and the person occupying the quarter out of the Bn quota will be required to vacate the quarter as per orders which are explained below.

28.A Bn person keeping the quarter in the Static location will not be asked to vacate his quarter even after completion of 3 years period, unless the quarter is required for any person of the same Bn.

29.The instructions contained in Standing Order No. 9/2002 regarding family line maintenance fund shall be scrupulously followed. The HMC shall recommend the utilization of family line maintenance fund. The Estate Officer shall take action as per the directions of HMC strictly in accordance with all extant instructions on the subject.

30.Every year a number of CRPF personnel lay their lives fighting terrorists/extremists and on the line of duty leaving behind their young widows and children. Many of the widows want to stay in Group Centre locations for education of their children and due to non-availability of own house. As a welfare measure and to meet the housing requirement of CRPF widows, all the Group Centre shall earmark two quarters Type-I/Type-I Special quarters as " Nirmal Sadan" for allotment to the widows of the CRPF personnel. The Nirmal Sadan should be allotted only to those widows who are in dire need of accommodation. The conditions for allotment of these quarters will be as under :-

(i) Priority – The following will be the order of priority for allotment of Nirmal Sadan :-

a. The widow whose husband was killed in terrorist action and her children are studying in Secondary and Senior Secondary Classes.

b. The widow whose husband was killed on the line of duty and her children are studying in Secondary and Senior Secondary Classes.

c. The widow whose husband was killed in terrorist action and she is in dire need of accommodation.

d. The widow whose husband was killed on line of duty and is in dire need of accommodation.

(ii) Licence Fee & other charges - Licence fee and electricity & water charges as applicable to Force personnel will be charged.

(iii) Period of allotment - The Nirmal Sadan will be allotted to the widow on year to year extension basis but not exceeding three years. Every year each case will be reviewed critically and extension will be considered considering the dire need of the widow.

(iv) Vacation - The accommodation will be got vacated after giving notice. In case the widow fails to vacate the accommodation even after giving notice, the prescribed vacation process, under rules will be followed as per direction of HMC.

30.The HMC should ensure that no quarter is kept vacant.

31.DIGs of all Static locations will frame Station house allotment rules based on above guidelines with the approval of the IG and issue the same to the subordinate offices concerned.

32.33. GCOs / HOOs shall not grant outliving permission to the personnel when family quarters of entitled type are lying vacant at the PARTicular station.

6. Recovery Of License Fee

a.The officers and men not entitled to rent free accommodation when allotted residential accommodation shall be charged license fee as per rules prescribed by the Central Govt.

b.The license fee will be recovered from the allottee by the drawing and disbursement officers through the pay bill in respect of NGOs and by the P&AO in respect of GOs. The order indicating the rate of license fee, and the dates from which it is to be charged will be notified by Head of Office and copy endorsed to the P&AO in case of GOs.

c.Govt. Servants who are allotted residential accommodation free of rent as their condition of services may be permitted to enjoy the rent free concession while on leave only upto a maximum period of one month subject to the condition that the officer concerned is likely to return to the post from which he proceeded on leave. Where, however, the period of leave granted to such an employee exceeds one month and the officer concerned is permitted to retain the residence by the competent authority/HOO during such period, the usual rent in accordance with the rules in force shall be recovered for the period of leave beyond one month. In this connection, GOI, Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply OM No. W.II.82(8)/53 dated 28.5.1954 and other instructions issued from time to time shall be applicable.

d.Consequent on allotment having been cancelled, the un-authorized occupation of the quarter shall result in realization of rent at the market rates fixed by the Estate Officer in consultation with CPWD besides other damages for unauthorized use and occupation of the residence. A member of the Force so unauthorizedly occupying a residence shall also be liable to disciplinary action on the recommendation of HMC.

e.The water and electricity charges in respect of family accommodation will be promptly charged as per bill received from the State authority and paid before the last date. The water and electricity charges including meter charges in respect of family accommodation allotted for temporary period, say not less than one month, may be determined by detailing a board of Officers who will work out the water and electricity charges based on the average consumption of past one year in a PARTicular category of accommodation in consultation with CPWD authorities to arrive at reasonable conclusion. It will also be ensured by all unit/offices that water/Electricity charges for the accommodation placed under them and allotted to their staff are regularly collected and deposited in the appropriate head of the State authorities in consultation with the respective Static offices to facilitate timely settlement of bills and to avoid unnecessary correspondence.

7. The following instructions on the subject issued earlier are superseded on issuance of these rules

1.Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/75-Adm-3(vol-3) dated 24.4.1981 regarding broad outlines for allotment of quarters and framing of rules etc.

2.Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/75-Adm-I dated 13.5.1994 regarding recovery of damage rate rent etc. for unauthorized occupation of quarters.

3.Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/75-Adm-I dated 26.10.1995 regarding allotment, occupation etc. of quarters.

4.Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/75-Adm-I (Vol-8) dated 5.1.2001 regarding eligibility of personnel of various ranks for various types of quarters.

5.Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/95-99-Adm-I(Vol-V) dated 7.1.2000 regarding maximum period for allotment and occupation of quarters.

6.(a) Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/95-00-Adm-I(Vol-V) dated 10.4.2000; (b) Dte. Genl. letter No. A.II-2/03-Adm-I(vol-8) dated 12.8.03 regarding retention of quarters by personnel posted to J&K and NE region, and delegation of powers to Zonal ADG and Sector IsG for retention of quarter at the last place of posting by Officers and personnel posted to J&K and NE Region.

7.Directorate General letters No. W.V-38/95-Adm-II(Wel) dated 17.5.95 and No. W.V-38/95-97-Adm-I(Wel) dated 12.6.97 regarding earmarking and allotment of quarters for widows of the CRPF personnel and all other dePARTmental instructions not covered in above rules.

(B) All other general instructions/rules as prescribed by the Central Govt. not covered by these rules (CRPF Family Accommodation Rules, 2008) shall also be applicable.

8. General

The Adm Directorate may relax any of the conditions prescribed in above outlines with the approval of Director General and in case of any doubt in regard to their interpretation, a specific reference be made to Adm Directorate and its decision shall be final.

Rank-Wise Authorization And Entitlement In Respect Of Static Locations, Attached & Signal Bn Except Training Institution

S/No Rank Authorised Percentage Ranke Wise Type/ Entitlement
01 DC and above 70 % Type-VI = ADG/IGP/DIGP/Med. Supt./ /Comdt/CMO(NFSG)
 Type-V = CMO/Second-In-Command.
 Type-IV= Dy. Commandant
02 Asstt. Comdt & M.O. 40 % Type-IV = SMO/MO/AC
 Type-III = MO/AC
03 Non Gazetted Executive personnel (including followers) 14 % Type-III = OS/SM/Insp/SI and equivalent.
 Type-II = SI/ASI/HC/CT and equivalent.
 Type-I = Constable/Enrolled Follower and equivalent rank.
04 Ministerial/Hospital Staff 80 % Type-III = SI to SM/AO and equivalent.
Type-II = ASI/SI/HC/CT & equivalent.
05 Class IV Staff 80 % Type-I = Enrolled Follower & equivalent.
06 Single Men's Barrack accommodation 75 % NA.

Authorization And Entitlement Of Accommodation In Training Instituations

07 Married accommodation for Gazetted Officers 75 % Type/entitlement of quarters will be according to rank as mentioned in col. 1 to 5 above.
08 Single accommodation for Gazetted Officers 25 % -
09 Married accommodation for Non-Gazetted Officers 50 % Type/entitlement of quarters will be according to rank as mentioned in col. 1 to 5 above.
10 Single accommodation for Non-Gazetted Officers 50 % -
11 Recruits/Trainees (Single accommodation) 100 % -


Guidelines For Allotment Of Accommodation To Signal And Training Staff

(a) Personnel of Signal Bns  
  (i) Those who remain at HQr throughout their tenure
(ii) Those who are turned over between HQrs and Coys/platoons
2 Years in the first instance extendable by another one year on the recommendations of the Officer-in-charge under whom they are directly working.

2 years in the first instance extendable by 6 months on the recommendation of the Officer-in-charge under whom they are directly working.

(b) Personnel of CTC/RTC/CIAT 2 Years in the first instance extendable by another 1 year on the recommendations of the Officer-in-charge under whom they are directly working.
(c) Personnel of I.S.A The allotment shall vest in the Director according to the local conditions.