The Central Sector, Lucknow, is the largest administrative sector of CRPF. Presently this sector caters for Uttar Pradesh. Its administrative Bns are also deployed in Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Manipur and New Delhi for law and order duties as well as for operational activities. In our operational areas we are providing security to various sensitive religious shrines i.e. KVM/GVM complex at Varanasi, RJB complex at Ayodhya and KJB/SIM complex at Mathura. The sector has also responsibility for safety and security of High Court Allahabad and its bench at Lucknow. Despite all prevailing odds, the operations in adm/ops areas of this sector have been carried out with great professionalism, displaying courage and bravery by CRPF for maintaining peace and tranquility. We are hopeful that collectively we will be able to establish peace and harmony in all the states where ever we are deployed.