Online Junior Command Management Course Sl. No. – 42’’ (W.e.f.-17 /08/20 to 29/08/20)
Dr. BK Binny Sareen, Management Consultant conducting online indoor session from Sardar Hall, ISA. She spoke about Stress Management
Dr. Nanditesh Nilay, Director, TraNc, in an online indoor session. He traines the participants in the subjects like Proper conduct with Subordinates . Motivational techniues
Dr. Partap Singh, Ex-DIG, CRPF in an online indoor session. He trained participants on the subjects like Legal Protection available to CRPF & Powers to CRPF officers
Dr. Prabhakaran Paleri, Ex-DG, Coast Guard, in an online indoor session.
Dr. Vikrant Singh Tomar, Director,UMS, India, from Indore (M.P.) in an online indoor session. He trained the participants in the subjects like Leadership , Inter Personal Skills & Emotional Intelligence .
e-Opening Ceremony By Dr. Prabhakaran Paleri, Ex-DG Coast Guard, On the Dais at Sardar Hall ISA, Sh. Arun Kumar, Director/IG, ISA, Sh. K. Thomas Job, DIG (Adm./Trg), & Sh. K.K. Pandey ,Comdt (Adm./Trg), ISA
e-Opening Ceremony By Dr. Prabhakaran Paleri, Ex-DG Coast Guard, On the Dais at Sardar Hall ISA, Sh. Arun Kumar, Director/IG, ISA, Sh. K. Thomas Job, DIG (Adm./Trg), & Sh. K.K. Pandey ,Comdt (Adm./Trg), ISA.
Ms. Pragya Tikku, Consultant Inter-governmental Processes & Women taking session on Gender Sensitisation online
Online Junior Command Management Course Sl. No.– 42
Prof. Prabhavati Baskey, GNLU,Gandhinagar in an online indoor session. She took the lectures on Disturbed Area act , AFSPA ,NSA,PSA & OSA
Sh. A.S. Rathore, Ex-IG, CRPF, in an online indoor session. He delivered lectures on CRPF Act , PE , COI , DE and JT .
Sh. Abhigyan Kumar , Dy Comdt. ISA, Mount Abu, conducting online indoor session from Sardar Hall, ISA on Various types of tender enquiries .
Sh. Anoop Singh, 2-I/C, From Works Dte., CRPF taking online session on Major/Minor/Petty works , ARMO, etc.
Sh. K. Thomas Job, DIG (Adm./Trg. ISA, Mount Abu, conducting online indoor session from Sardar Hall, ISA on APAR writing .
Sh. K.K. Pandey, Comdt (Adm/Trg) ISA, Mount Abu, taking online indoor session from Sardar Hall, ISA on expectations from Staff Officer and latest instructions wrt CPC Canteen
Sh. Krishna Mohan, IAS (Retd.)Former ACS & FCR, Govt. of Haryana, in an online indoor session. He trained the Participants on the subjects : Effective Communication Skills , Time Management & Change Management
Sh. M. L. Kumawat, IPS (Retd), Former DGP, BSF in an online indoor session. He spoke on The concept of Internal Security , Systems approach to Law & Order and Internal Security
Sh. Mukesh Kumar , AC(M), ISA, Mount Abu, conducting online indoor session from Sardar Hall, ISA on Contingent charges
Valedictory address by Sh. Vikram Sehgal IG, Rajasthan, Sector,CRPF
Valedictory address by Sh. Vikram Sehgal IG, Rajasthan, Sector,CRPF.