Welcome to Official Website of Central Reserve Police Force

Director's Message

Director- Sh. Darshan Lal Gola

Sh. Darshan Lal Gola


Director’s Message

The Internal Security Academy is a premier training institution of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) which is making best endeavours to train CRPF /other CAPF and State Police Officers on Internal Security Matters.

The CRPF, one of the largest Para-Military Force in the world, is entrusted with enormous responsibility of safeguarding the dynamic Internal Security of the country along with State Police Forces and other security Forces. The task is multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and requires proper orientation of manpower, use of sophisticated equipments/gadgetry and perfect synergy with all stakeholders. The Force has advantage of having huge experience in handling the problems in different parts of the country at one or other time periods. This experience is to be shared among field level officers and updated in the context of emerging political/social/technological trends so that speed and professional response at the time of crisis is further enhanced.

In order to prepare the officers for these Challenges, Academy has been inviting eminent speakers from different fields to deliberate on subjects related to internal security so that the participants are updated with latest trends in the field and to evolve new strategies and tactics so that these challenges are faced effectively. To cope up with growing requirements to train more officers’ frequency of courses and up-gradation/review of Course contents is regularly being done. To ensure more participation of officers from CAPF/ State Police and to enhance interactions/share experiences, Academy is planning to conduct more Vertical Interaction Courses on subjects like Internal Security, Human Rights, Media Management, Use of Modern gadgetries for Law & Order etc. Pre-promotional Courses to be conducted by the Academy for CRPF officers are also being given due Importance as preparing officers for higher ranks is an important responsibility to enhance professionalism in the force.

I am sure the Academy will continue to play important role in imparting quality training to CRPF and Other CAPF/State Police officers on the Internal Security matters and thereby continue to play an important role in safeguarding the Internal Security of the country in a professional manner.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        JAI HIND !!