CRPF Wives’ Welfare Association came into existence as an NGO in 1995 to look after the welfare of our families as the men being away on duty cannot pay adequate attention to the home front. Being deployed in the conflict zones such as J&K, North-East and LWE affected States, most of our personnel cannot keep their families at their place of duty. It got registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, Govt. Of Delhi on 22nd June, 1995. CWA is a non-profit making society and is also registered as NGO with Income Tax Department under section 80-G of Income Tax Act 1961.

The association has undertaken various schemes relating to overall well being of CRPF personnel and their family members.

Aims & Objectives

The aims and objects for which the Society is established are as under :

a) to generate a sense of the accomplishment in the minds of CRPF ladies and develop managerial skill in them.

b) to promote programmes for rehabilitation of widows, handicapped and mentally retarded children and handicapped CRPF personnel.

c) to pursue programmes to facilitate development of academic / vocational skills, training for the serving and retired CRPF personnel and their families.

d) to work in co-operation with other organizations and departments of various Ministries like Ministry of Human Resources Development etc. having similar objectives (being at all times financially independent of such organizations) and to obtain financial assistance through such Associations.

e) to raise funds for various welfare schemes affecting the well being of CRPF families, widows, handicapped and mentally retarded children and disabled personnel and families of retired personnel.

f) to organize cultural and sports activities.

g) to invest and deal with the funds of the Association as deemed fit to meet the overall aims and objects of the Association.

h) HIV/ AIDS Prevention Programme.

i) Alcohol and Drug De-addiction Programme etc.